
Our relationships with our Clients are not one-project based but rather a long term collaboration which depends on mutual trust and respect on each other’s expertise. So besides undertaking their fabrications we also provide them various consulting services for the projects that we somehow can’t fabricate.

In the projects we provide consultancy, we apply cost reduction strategies based on feasibility studies to the design process. In this process, we care about establishing a healthy balance between cost creation and quality creation criteria.

Through our history we helped many of our Clients during their planning and design processes by suggesting them easy-to-fabricate and cost-efficient solutions.

Especially when serving to a company that is abroad global or local 3rd party services may fill the documents with just superficial checks. As sanctions of local companies are more they pay careful attention to local companies’ projects. We can act like your local representative and guide the 3rd party you hired for more precise results. We can analyze your fabricator, determine their weak points and make the 3rd party to make additional quality checks at these points.

We can arrange and implement Quality Checks and NDTs compatible with your Inspection Test Plan (ITP).

When subcontracting their fabrications to Turkish companies European manufacturers tend to choose the global 3rd parties that they are familiar with. Not all of these global 3rd parties can provide the same service in Turkey than they do in Europe. Plus, they are more costly than local 3rd parties. As a company worked with many cost efficient local 3rd parties who are also accredited internationally we can provide the quality control of your project with them more effectively. We can either leave the whole process to a local 3rd party or make the quality control with our own team of certified controllers and leave Non-Destructive Tests (NDT) to local 3rd parties depending on your request.

We can act like your legal representative to arrange your relations with your fabricator. We can make your agreement compatible with local regulations, can also create Turkish text of the agreement and monitor the whole process legally, send official notices when agreement obligations are not fulfilled. It is very hard and takes a very long time to impose sanctions to a Turkish fabricator with a court decision from Europe but if you keep Turkish courts authorized for contractual discrepancies it is easier to impose sanctions.

It is sometimes hard to communicate with Turkish fabricators as their way of doing business is different from European approach. As a company thinking and working with European approach and also knowing every detail of the commercial and technical environment in Turkey we can be your bridge between your fabricator and you. As not all personnel of Turkish fabricators are familiar with English we can translate your technical documents and drawings into Turkish so that a fabricator can easily understand and manufacture. This conversion may also include some simplifications on the drawings and documents in order to prevent misunderstandings.


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      In order to get a quotation you can also send us the details of your project by

      1. Name Surname
      2. Company Name
      3. E-Mail
      4. Phone
      5. Select File
        Accepted file format is ZIP or RAR (Max.10mb)
      6. Message

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